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45 produits trouvés
Joseph Stiglitz : economist and Nobel Prize winner
- 50minutes.Com
- Management & Marketing
- 17 Septembre 2015
- 9782806270726
Economist and Nobel Prize winner This book is a practical and accessible guide to understanding the life and works of Joseph Stiglitz.
In 50 minutes you will be able to:
- Recognize and understand the main ideas behind the contributions of Joseph Stiglitz and his New Keynesian approach - Identify the impact his work had on both economics and politics, and the new concepts and tools that he conceptualized - Understand the limits of his contributions and the criticisms held by other experts in his field, as well as the many extensions and related ideas that have been developed ABOUT 50MINUTES.COM | Economic Culture 50MINUTES.COM provides the tools to quickly understand the main theories and concepts that shape the economic world of today. Our publications are easy to use and they will save you time. They provide elements of theory and case studies, making them excellent guides to understand key concepts in just a few minutes. They are the starting point for readers to develop their skills and expertise.Grand format 9.99 €Sur commande
Criterii SMART : Deveni?i mai de succes prin stabilirea unor obiective mai bune
Steffens Guillaume
- 50minutes.Com
- 20 Janvier 2023
- 9782808602327
În?elege?i esen?a criteriilor SMART (cunoscute ?i sub numele de obiective SMART, ?inte SMART ?i metoda SMARTER) în doar 50 de minute cu aceast? carte practic? ?i concis?. Criteriile SMART sunt un instrument simplu, dar valoros în managementul proiectelor: pot fi utilizate pentru a defini clar obiectivele ?i indicatorii cheie de performan?? (KPI) ?i pentru a încuraja ob?inerea de rezultate concrete. Aceast? carte v? ofer? o introducere util? în cele cinci dimensiuni principale ale criteriilor SMART, ?i anume: specific, m?surabil, atribuibil, realist ?i limitat în timp, precum ?i sfaturi simple despre cum s? le aplica?i în cadrul proiectului dumneavoastr?. Acesta include, de asemenea, o discu?ie am?nun?it? a mai multor studii de caz, o prezentare general? a argumentelor pro ?i contra ale acestei abord?ri ?i o introducere în instrumente conexe, inclusiv modelul DUMB al lui Brendon Burchard.Despre criteriile SMART : Acronimul SMART le permite utilizatorilor acestei abord?ri s? ?in? cont de criteriile esen?iale pentru stabilirea unor obiective precise ?i realiste. Ini?ial, instrumentul a fost utilizat pentru managementul ?i gestionarea produselor, dar datorit? simplit??ii ?i eficien?ei sale, s-a extins în scurt timp ?i în domenii precum resursele umane ?i dezvoltarea personal?. Este un concept foarte versatil, care poate fi folosit atât în stabilirea obiectivelor personale, cât ?i în planificarea proiectelor de grup. În aceast? carte, ve?i descoperi cum criteriile SMART v? pot ajuta s? stabili?i ?i s? atinge?i obiective concrete, s? în?elege?i rolul pe care obiectivele adecvate îl joac? în evaluarea performan?elor ?i s? planifica?i eficient noi proiecte ?i sarcini. O explica?ie clar? a avantajelor ?i a posibilelor dezavantaje ale metodei, o discu?ie a studiilor de caz practice ?i o introducere concis? în modelele conexe v? ofer? instrumentele de care ave?i nevoie pentru a v? adapta abordarea la situa?ia dumneavoastr?.
Grand format 9.99 €Sur commande
Karl Marx : the fight against capitalism
- 50minutes.Com
- Management & Marketing
- 17 Septembre 2015
- 9782806270597
Revolutionary thinking and the fight against capitalism This book is a practical and accessible guide to understanding the life and works of Karl Marx.
In 50 minutes you will be able to:
- Recognize and understand the main ideas behind the works of Karl Marx on economic thought - Identify the impact his contributions had on economics, perceptions of capitalism and political revolutions - Understand the limits of his contributions and systems compared to the work of other economists ABOUT 50MINUTES.COM | Economic Culture 50MINUTES.COM provides the tools to quickly understand the main theories and concepts that shape the economic world of today. Our publications are easy to use and they will save you time. They provide elements of theory and case studies, making them excellent guides to understand key concepts in just a few minutes. They are the starting point for readers to develop their skills and expertise.Grand format 9.99 €Sur commande
The smart criteria : the smart way to set objectives
- 50minutes.Com
- Management & Marketing
- 17 Septembre 2015
- 9782806270665
The SMART way to set objectives This book is a practical and accessible guide to understanding and implementing the SMART criteria, providing you with the essential information and saving time.
In 50 minutes you will be able to:
- Understand the 5 criteria that make up the SMART method (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-Bound) - Follow the steps and ask the right questions in order to always set objectives that are achievable - Apply the model in many different areas, including project management, marketing and personal development.
ABOUT 50MINUTES.COM | Management & Marketing 50MINUTES.COM provides the tools to quickly understand the main theories and concepts that shape the economic world of today. Our publications are easy to use and they will save you time. They provide elements of theory and case studies, making them excellent guides to understand key concepts in just a few minutes. In fact, they are the starting point to take action and push your business to the next level.Grand format 9.99 €Sur commande
Ponzi scheme : avoid scam investments
- 50minutes.Com
- Management & Marketing
- 17 Septembre 2015
- 9782806270696
Avoid scam investments This book is a practical and accessible guide to understanding Ponzi schemes, providing you with the essential information and saving time.
In 50 minutes you will be able to:
- Learn about the inspiration behind the scheme, Charles Ponzi, and how he fraudulently pocketed profits on postage stamps while deceiving his investors - Follow our advice on how to avoid Ponzi schemes and make the right investment - Understand why the Ponzi scheme has appeared in all parts of the world right up to today by looking at some more recent examples ABOUT 50MINUTES.COM | Management & Marketing 50MINUTES.COM provides the tools to quickly understand the main theories and concepts that shape the economic world of today. Our publications are easy to use and they will save you time. They provide elements of theory and case studies, making them excellent guides to understand key concepts in just a few minutes. In fact, they are the starting point to take action and push your business to the next level.Grand format 9.99 €Sur commande
Comparative advantage : specialize to rule
- 50minutes.Com
- Management & Marketing
- 4 Juin 2015
- 9782806264091
Why specialisation is the key to success This book is a practical and accessible guide to understanding and implementing the theory of comparative advantage, providing you with essential information and saving time.
In 50 minutes you will be able to:
- Master the notions of absolute and relative advantage rapidly - Specialise in producing goods or services for which you have the strongest, or least weak productivity compared to others.
- Understand which are the strengths underlying the interactions of free trade at work within International trade.
ABOUT 50MINUTES.COM| Management & Marketing 50MINUTES.COM provides the tools to quickly understand the main theories and concepts that shape the economic world of today. Our publications are easy to use and they will save you time. They provide both elements of theory and case studies, making them excellent guides to understand key concepts in just a few minutes. In fact, they are the starting point to take action and push your business to the next level.Grand format 9.99 €Sur commande
Milton Friedman : Pioneer of economic freedom
- 50minutes.Com
- Management & Marketing
- 17 Septembre 2015
- 9782806270689
Nobel Prize-winning economist and free market advocate This book is a practical and accessible guide to understanding the life and works of Milton Friedman.
In 50 minutes you will be able to:
- Recognize and understand the main ideas behind the works of Milton Friedman and his reasons for writing them - Identify the impact Milton Friedman had on other economists and political figures, including Ronald Raegan and Margaret Thatcher - Evaluate the mixed reception of his works: the numerous criticisms and the extensions of similar economists ABOUT 50MINUTES.COM | Economic Culture 50MINUTES.COM provides the tools to quickly understand the main theories and concepts that shape the economic world of today. Our publications are easy to use and they will save you time. They provide elements of theory and case studies, making them excellent guides to understand key concepts in just a few minutes. They are the starting point for readers to develop their skills and expertise.Grand format 9.99 €Sur commande
Mundell-Fleming model : achieving macroeconomic equilibrium
- 50minutes.Com
- Management & Marketing
- 17 Septembre 2015
- 9782806270610
Achieving macroeconomic equilibrium This book is a practical and accessible guide to understanding the Mundell-Fleming model, providing you with the essential information and saving time.
In 50 minutes you will be able to:
- Learn about the IS-LM model that the Mundell-Fleming is based on and how each of the three curves of the model graph are formed, as well as how to interpret them - Analyze different exchange rate regimes and the effect they have on production, income and interest rates - Understand the effectiveness of budgetary, fiscal and monetary policies and how they interact with exchange rates ABOUT 50MINUTES.COM | Economic Culture 50MINUTES.COM provides the tools to quickly understand the main theories and concepts that shape the economic world of today. Our publications are easy to use and they will save you time. They provide elements of theory and case studies, making them excellent guides to understand key concepts in just a few minutes. They are the starting point for readers to develop their skills and expertise.Grand format 9.99 €Sur commande
United nations development programme : leading the way to development
- 50minutes.Com
- Management & Marketing
- 17 Septembre 2015
- 9782806270719
Leading the way to development This book is a practical and accessible guide to understanding the role and mission of the United Nations Development Programme, providing you with the essential information and saving time.
In 50 minutes you will be able to:
- Understand the foundations of the organization and why it was created in 1965 - Identify the global missions initially set by the organization, its Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the future challenges it faces - Learn about the role of the UNDP in a number of development activities and the impact it has had since its creation ABOUT 50MINUTES.COM | Economic Culture 50MINUTES.COM provides the tools to quickly understand the main theories and concepts that shape the economic world of today.Our publications are easy to use and they will save you time. They provide elements of theory and case studies, making them excellent guides to understand key concepts in just a few minutes. They are the starting point for readers to develop their skills and expertise.Grand format 9.99 €Sur commande
A pioneer of modern economics This book is a practical and accessible guide to understanding the life and works of Adam Smith.
In 50 minutes you will be able to:
- Recognize and understand the main ideas behind the works of Adam Smith on philosophy and economics - Identify the impact his contributions had on future neoclassical economists and how The Wealth of Nations laid the foundations for modern economics - Understand the limits and criticisms of his contributions highlighted by other economists ABOUT 50MINUTES | Economic Culture 50MINUTES provides the tools to quickly understand the main theories and concepts that shape the economic world of today. Our publications are easy to use and they will save you time. They provide elements of theory and case studies, making them excellent guides to understand key concepts in just a few minutes. They are the starting point for readers to develop their skills and expertise.Grand format 9.99 €Sur commande
Parkinson's Law : Master time management and increase productivity
- 50minutes.Com
- 2 Septembre 2015
- 9782806270047
Master time management and increase productivity
This book is a practical and accessible guide to understanding and implementing Parkinson's Law, providing you with the essential information and saving time.
In 50 minutes you will be able to:
- Understand the three statements that Parkinson used to develop the law and assess whether they apply to your staff
- Use Parkinson's formula to calculate the growth rate of your organization and analyze the rate compared to the workload
- Avoid employing staff unnecessarily and learn how to better control the time they spend completing set tasks
ABOUT 50MINUTES.COM | Management & Marketing
50MINUTES.COM provides the tools to quickly understand the main theories and concepts that shape the economic world of today. Our publications are easy to use and they will save you time. They provide elements of theory and case studies, making them excellent guides to understand key concepts in just a few minutes. In fact, they are the starting point to take action and push your business to the next level.Grand format 9.99 €Sur commande
The Law of Diminishing Returns: Theory and Applications
- 50minutes.Com
- 2 Septembre 2015
- 9782806270092
Understand the fundamentals of economic productivity
This book is a practical and accessible guide to understanding diminishing returns, providing you with the essential information and saving time.
In 50 minutes you will be able to:
- Understand the theory of diminishing returns and the effects caused by changes in the production process
- Analyze the recent interpretations and developments of the theory, and how they can be applied to the current economy
- Identify how you can use the theory to avoid diminishing returns in your production through constant innovation
ABOUT 50MINUTES.COM | Management & Marketing
50MINUTES.COM provides the tools to quickly understand the main theories and concepts that shape the economic world of today. Our publications are easy to use and they will save you time. They provide elements of theory and case studies, making them excellent guides to understand key concepts in just a few minutes. In fact, they are the starting point to take action and push your business to the next level.Grand format 9.99 €Sur commande
Book review: the world is flat by Thomas L. Friedman ; the mechanisms of globalisation
- 50minutes.Com
- 3 Juillet 2017
- 9782806290311
It can be hard for busy professionals to find the time to read the latest books. Stay up to date in a fraction of the time with this concise guide.The World is Flat is an award-winning book by three-time Pulitzer Prize winner Thomas Friedman. It combines meticulous research, personal anecdotes and conceptual analysis to provide a comprehensive yet accessible overview of the mechanisms behind globalisation in the 21st century, along with recommendations for individuals and companies who want to thrive in the new, 'flat' world. Although some economists and academics have challenged Friedman's views, The World is Flat met with general critical and popular success when it was first published in 2005, and became an international bestseller.This book review and analysis is perfect for:-Anyone who wants to learn about the processes behind globalisation-Individuals and companies looking to meet the challenges of the new global market-Students of business, politics or economicsAbout 50MINUTES.COM | BOOK REVIEWThe Book Review series from the 50Minutes collection is aimed at anyone who is looking to learn from experts in their field without spending hours reading endless pages of information. Our reviews present a concise summary of the main points of each book, as well as providing context, different perspectives and concrete examples to illustrate the key concepts.
Grand format 9.99 €Sur commande
Inflation-conscious investments : avoid the most common investment pitfalls
- 50minutes.Com
- 23 Novembre 2017
- 9782808000369
Understand inflation in no time! Find out everything you need to know about making informed investment choices with this practical and accessible guide.
Inflation is an important consideration for anyone looking to make a smart investment, as it will affect the real value of the money involved and can also have a direct effect on interest rates. However, many investors fail to take it into account, even though the mechanisms of inflation are fairly simple to understand. It is also possible to calculate its potential effects on investments using a variety of mathematical formulae.
In 50 minutes you will be able to:
-Learn about the mechanics of inflation and related phenomena -Understand how inflation affects the real value of money -Discover which kinds of investments you should make during periods of inflation ABOUT 50MINUTES.COM | MANAGEMENT AND MARKETING The Management and Marketing series from the 50Minutes collection provides the tools to quickly understand the main theories and concepts that shape the economic world of today. Our publications will give you elements of theory, definitions of key terms and case studies in a clear and easily digestible format, making them the ideal starting point for readers looking to develop their skills and expertise.Grand format 9.99 €Sur commande
Book Review: Globalization and Its Discontents by Joseph Stiglitz : The dark side of globalization
- 50minutes.Com
- 8 Avril 2019
- 9782808019149
It can be hard for busy professionals to find the time to read the latest books. Stay up to date in a fraction of the time with this concise guide.
Globalization and Its Discontents by Joseph Stiglitz offers an insider's view of the role played by the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank in the economic crises of the 1990s. Stiglitz argues that the so-called Washington Consensus, a set of economic principles typically applied to nations facing crisis, were imposed on numerous developing countries with little regard for local conditions. Contrary to the expectations of most policymakers, this approach actually exacerbated crises, meaning that globalization ended up hurting the nations it was supposed to help. In the book, Stiglitz lays out a set of recommendations to harness the immense potential of globalization so that it can benefit everyone, not just a small coterie of financial elites.
This book review and analysis is perfect for:
- Students of economics and international development ;
- Anyone who wants to understand the inner workings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank ;
- Anyone with an interest in the true causes of recent global economic crises ;
The Book Review series from the 50Minutes collection is aimed at anyone who is looking to learn from experts in their field without spending hours reading endless pages of information. Our reviews present a concise summary of the main points of each book, as well as providing context, different perspectives and concrete examples to illustrate the key concepts.
Grand format 9.99 €Sur commande
Successful Storytelling for Business : How to grab attention and communicate effectively with any audience
- 50minutes.Com
- 16 Mars 2017
- 9782806284020
Ready to take your career to the next level? Find out everything you need to know about effective storytelling with this practical guide.
Storytelling is a skill that can dramatically improve both your personal and professional life. In contexts ranging from job searching to marketing, storytelling is the most effective way to portray your message and win people over. By following the information provided in this summary, you too will be able to construct a spellbinding narrative that will have everybody eating from the palm of your hand.
In 50 minutes you will be able to:
-Identify the benefits of using storytelling as a communication technique in your personal and professional life -Discover the key to constructing stories that call upon emotions and resonate with your audience, making them want to listen to your message and pass it on -Analyse your surroundings, experiences and thoughts to find the right inspiration for your storytelling ABOUT 50MINUTES.COM | COACHING The Coaching series from the 50 Minutes collection is aimed at all those who, in times of transition or otherwise, want to acquire new skills, respond to unfamiliar situations or simply re-evaluate their work-life balance. Using a simple and effective style, our publications combine theory, constructive insights, concrete examples and practical exercises to enable everyone to move forward on the path to professional growth.Grand format 9.99 €Sur commande
Game Theory : The art of thinking strategically
- 50minutes.Com
- 2 Septembre 2015
- 9782806270009
The art of thinking strategically
This book is a practical and accessible guide to understanding and implementing game theory, providing you with the essential information and saving time.
In 50 minutes you will be able to:
- Quickly master the concept of strategic behavior and interactive decisions
- Anticipate the actions of your opponents to react accordingly and maximize gains
- Find the key to cooperating in order to reach collective goals
ABOUT 50MINUTES.COM| Management & Marketing
50MINUTES.COM provides the tools to quickly understand the main theories and concepts that shape the economic world of today. Our publications are easy to use and they will save you time. They provide elements of theory and case studies, making them excellent guides to understand key concepts in just a few minutes. In fact, they are the starting point to take action and push your business to the next level.Grand format 9.99 €Sur commande
Understand the Great Recession in no time! Find out everything you need to know about this key moment in contemporary economic history with this practical and accessible guide.
The burst of the property bubble in the USA in 2008 saw millions of families evicted from their homes and soon led to a major worldwide economic crisis. The spread of the crisis and the presence of toxic assets in banks around the world laid bare the complex mechanisms used by financial institutions to avoid taking responsibility for risky assets and the arrogance of the largest banks, who saw themselves as "too big to fail". In spite of large-scale efforts to mitigate the effects of the crisis, its consequences are still felt today.
In 50 minutes you will be able to:
-Identify the key causes of the recession, including the widespread use of securitization
-Understand how the crisis unfolded and spread around the world
-Evaluate the measures taken by national governments to mitigate its effects
The Economic Culture series from the 50Minutes collection provides the tools to quickly understand the main theories and concepts that shape the economic world of today. Our publications will give you elements of theory, definitions of key terms and case studies in a clear and easily digestible format, making them the ideal starting point for readers looking to develop their skills and expertise.Grand format 9.99 €Sur commande
Black monday : a crash that shook the financial world
- 50minutes.Com
- 3 Novembre 2017
- 9782808004855
Understand Black Monday in no time! Find out everything you need to know about this major financial crisis with this practical and accessible guide.On 19 October 1987, a number of factors came together to cause an unexpected drop in share prices on the New York Stock Exchange, with the Dow Jones ultimately losing 22.6% of its value in the course of a single day. This was the largest drop in the index's long history, but fortunately the real economy emerged relatively unscathed from the crash and a crisis of the magnitude of the 1929 Wall Street Crash was averted.In 50 minutes you will be able to:-Identify the reasons for the sudden loss of share value on 19 October 1987-Find out about the crash's impact on stock markets around the world-Understand the decisive action taken to prevent the crisis from worseningABOUT 50MINUTES.COM | ECONOMIC CULTUREThe Economic Culture series from the 50Minutes collection provides the tools to quickly understand the main theories and concepts that shape the economic world of today. Our publications will give you elements of theory, definitions of key terms and case studies in a clear and easily digestible format, making them the ideal starting point for readers looking to develop their skills and expertise.
Poche 9.99 €Sur commande
Book Review: The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money by John M. Keynes : A turning point in economic history
- 50minutes.Com
- 4 Janvier 2018
- 9782808007115
It can be hard for busy professionals to find the time to read the latest books. Stay up to date in a fraction of the time with this concise guide.
The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money by John Maynard Keynes was first published in 1936, and had a lasting impact on both economic theory and state economic policies. Keynes's primary aim was to challenge certain aspects of classical economics which were accepted as fact at the time, namely Say's law, which states that supply will create its own demand, and the assumption that free markets automatically tend towards full employment. Keynes introduced several revolutionary concepts in this book, including effective demand, the propensity to consume, the investment multiplier and the liquidity-preference, to support his arguments in favour of greater state interventionism as a response to financial crises.
This book review and analysis is perfect for:
-Anyone interested in the history of economic theory, particularly macroeconomics -Anyone who wants to understand the aims of state intervention in the financial market -Students of, or anyone interested in, modern politics and economics About 50MINUTES.COM| BOOK REVIEW The Book Review series from the 50Minutes collection is aimed at anyone who is looking to learn from experts in their field without spending hours reading endless pages of information. Our reviews present a concise summary of the main points of each book, as well as providing context, different perspectives and concrete examples to illustrate the key concepts.Grand format 9.99 €Sur commande
Book Review: Capital in the Twenty-First Century by Thomas Piketty
- 50minutes.Com
- 16 Mars 2017
- 9782806290397
It can be hard for busy professionals to find the time to read the latest books. Stay up to date in a fraction of the time with this concise guide.Thomas Piketty's 2013 book Capital in the Twenty-First Century was an immediately bestseller in the UK and US, and has been widely praised by both economists and the general public. Piketty provides a richly detailed account of the development of inequality in the Western world, and argues that economic inequality is an inherent feature of capitalism and can only be resolved by decisive action from governments. His powerful historical insights are backed by extensive data and analysis, thus offering a thorough critique of the modern capitalist system. Whatever your political and economic leanings, Piketty's ideas are sure to provide plenty of food for thought.This book review and analysis is perfect for:-Anyone interested in the causes of wealth inequality in Europe and the USA-Anyone who wants to understand how this inequality can be overcome-Students of, or anyone interested in, modern politics and economicsAbout 50MINUTES.COM | BOOK REVIEWThe Book Review series from the 50Minutes collection is aimed at anyone who is looking to learn from experts in their field without spending hours reading endless pages of information. Our reviews present a concise summary of the main points of each book, as well as providing context, different perspectives and concrete examples to illustrate the key concepts.
Grand format 9.99 €Sur commande
Book Review: Development as Freedom by Amartya Sen : A new approach to development
- 50minutes.Com
- 8 Avril 2019
- 9782808018784
It can be hard for busy professionals to find the time to read the latest books. Stay up to date in a fraction of the time with this concise guide.
Development as Freedom by Amartya Sen advocates a new outlook on development: whereas orthodox development thinking has a one-sided focus on economic development as the goal of the process of development, Sen's development as freedom framework sees the expansion of human freedom as both the goal and primary means of human development. He notes the "unfreedoms" that deprive millions of citizens around the world of the right to live the life they would choose, and suggests that economic indicators alone are insufficient as a measure of development. Sen is a major figure in the fields of development economics and welfare economics, and was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences in 1998.
This book review and analysis is perfect for:
-Students of economics and international development
-Students of philosophy and politics
-Anyone who wants to understand the relationship between development and freedom
The Book Review series from the 50Minutes collection is aimed at anyone who is looking to learn from experts in their field without spending hours reading endless pages of information. Our reviews present a concise summary of the main points of each book, as well as providing context, different perspectives and concrete examples to illustrate the key concepts.Grand format 9.99 €Sur commande
The BCG Growth-Share Matrix: Theory and Applications : The key to portfolio management
- 50minutes.Com
- 2 Septembre 2015
- 9782806270023
The key to portfolio management!
This book is a practical and accessible guide to understanding and implementing the BCG growth-share matrix, providing you with the essential information and saving time.
In 50 minutes you will be able to:
- Analyze the activities in your business portfolio and identify the role they play in the business as a whole
- Sort these activities into the four categories of the matrix: stars, question marks, cash cows and dogs
- Identify the future market shares and growth to make sure you invest in the right activities
ABOUT 50MINUTES.COM | Management & Marketing
50MINUTES.COM provides the tools to quickly understand the main theories and concepts that shape the economic world of today. Our publications are easy to use and they will save you time. They provide elements of theory and case studies, making them excellent guides to understand key concepts in just a few minutes. In fact, they are the starting point to take action and push your business to the next level.Grand format 9.99 €Sur commande
Book review : The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith (A foundational work in classical economics)
- 50minutes.Com
- 4 Avril 2019
- 9782808017671
It can be hard for busy professionals to find the time to read the latest books. Stay up to date in a fraction of the time with this concise guide.The Wealth of Nations is one of the most significant works in economics history, and is a foundational text of classical economics. Written at a time when the Industrial Revolution was changing the face of Western societies, the book seeks to explain why some countries are wealthier than others and how a fair, productive society can be created. In particular, Smith's advocacy of division of labour, free trade and free markets, with equilibrium guaranteed by the so-called invisible hand of the market, proved extremely influential in the UK and USA and shaped our modern economic system. The work is still widely studied today, and remains one of the most cited texts in the social sciences.This book review and analysis is perfect for:-Students of economic theory and the history of economics-Anyone who wants to gain a greater understanding of classical economics-Anyone who is curious about why some countries are wealthier than othersAbout 50MINUTES.COM | BOOK REVIEWThe Book Review series from the 50Minutes collection is aimed at anyone who is looking to learn from experts in their field without spending hours reading endless pages of information. Our reviews present a concise summary of the main points of each book, as well as providing context, different perspectives and concrete examples to illustrate the key concepts.
Grand format 9.99 €Sur commande
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