Orion Publishing Group
'James Lee Burke is the heavyweight champ, a great American novelist whose work, taken individually or as a whole, is unsurpassed.' Michael Connelly Set against the backdrop of New Orleans, Detective Dave Robicheaux is fighting his demons to overcome his toughest case yet. Powerful mob boss Tony Nemo has a Civil War sword he'd like to give to Levon Broussard, a popular local author whose books have been adapted into major Hollywood films. The sword's history can be traced back to Broussard's ancestors, and Tony figures it belongs to Levon. But Tony's intentions aren't so pure; he believes the gift will lead to a slice of Broussard's lucrative film adaptations. Then there's Jimmy Nightengale, the young poster boy of New Orleans wealth and glamour. Jimmy's fond of Levon's work, and even fonder of his beautiful, enigmatic wife, Rowena. Tony thinks Jimmy can be a US Senator someday, and has the resources and clout to make it happen. There's something off about the relationship between these three men, and after a vicious assault, it's up to Robicheaux to uncover the truth. Complicating matters is the sudden death of T.J. Dartez, the New Iberian local responsible for Robicheaux's wife's death, and all are looking to the detective as the murderer. Can Robicheaux clear his name before it's too late?
Dave Robicheaux se remet de ses blessures dans une unité de soins de La Nouvelle-Orléans, où il reçoit la visite d'une jeune femme, Tee Jolie Melton. Elle lui laisse un iPod, avec le blues « My Creole Belle ». Une chanson qui, avec le souvenir de Tee Jolie, finit par l'obséder. Mais dans cette atmosphère languissante baignée de morphine, et avec tous les démons qui plus que jamais l'accompagnent, Dave nourrit des doutes : tout cela est-il bien réel ou l'a-t-il rêvé ? Car Dave découvre que Tee Jolie est censée avoir disparu depuis des mois.
Aussi, lorsque sa jeune soeur Blue est retrouvée morte congelée, Dave décide de partir à sa recherche. Une enquête éprouvante, au point que Clete Purcel, son vieil ami lui-même à la limite de la rupture, se met à craindre pour sa santé mentale...
Dave Robicheaux, son épouse Molly et son ami Clete Purcel tentent d'oublier le traumatisme de Katrina en s'immergeant dans la nature somptueuse et sauvage du Montana. Alors qu'il pêche tranquillement, Clete est pris à partie par deux individus qui l'ont reconnu à cause d'une sordide affaire pourtant très ancienne. Ces hommes aux manières brutales et au passé trouble travaillent pour un riche entrepreneur extrêmement déplaisant. Alors qu'une ambiance malsaine s'installe, d'horribles faits divers se produisent...
A powerful and unforgettable thriller from the acclaimed genre master
Running from a checkered past to become a sheriff in a ramshackle Texas border town, Hackberry Holland, the cousin of Montana lawyer Billy Bob, investigates the murders of nine prostitutes, a situation that pits him against hired guns, skin-bar owners, and drug dealers. Reprint. 350,000 first printing. A best-selling book.
A rainy late-summer night finds Dave Robicheaux in a New Orleans bar, about to confront the man who may have savagely assaulted his friend, Father Jimmie Dolan. Robicheaux is drawn deeper into a viper's nest of sordid secrets and escalating violence that sets him up for a confrontation that echoes of his past.